M8493 power mac g4 specs
M8493 power mac g4 specs

m8493 power mac g4 specs

↑ Apple tries to get G4 export ban lifted by Terho Uimonen, CNN.↑ The golden gigaflop: Apple’s shrinking performance sweet spot by Pauli Olavi Ojala, The Startup, Medium. Me Completely Taking Apart A Power Mac G4, Specs: (Correct Me if I'm wrong) 1Ghz Dual Core 1 GB Memory DDR DVD/CD ROM 60 GB Hard Drive Pretty nice. Processor Type: PowerPC 7450 (G4) Processor Speed: 733 MHz System Bus Speed: 133 MHz Cache Bus Speed: 733 MHz (Built-in) ROM/Firmware Type: Open Firmware ROM/Firmware Size: 1 MB L1 Cache. Review (mpn: M8493 for sale) M8493 APPLE Lot Video M8570 Mac Parts G4 Fan Ribbon 80gb Power Supply Set Usb All items came from the same working computer.When the Titanium PowerBook G4 - the first "portable supercomputer" - was released, no similar sanctions were in place. Mainland Chinese users were able to get their hands on a Power Mac G4 after this limitation was removed. Apple's interim CEO Steve Jobs used the publicity to market the computers elsewhere while lobbying to have the restrictions removed.

m8493 power mac g4 specs

government deemed the "supercomputer" a "weapon". " Mirrored Drive Doors" (" MDD") - This version incorporated the DDR architecture of the Xserve, but heat and fan noise issues led it to being referred to as the "wind tunnel"įor about a year after its late 1999 debut, the Power Mac G4 could not be marketed in the mainland of the People's Republic of China, as the U.S." Quicksilver" - This version upgraded specs and simplified the case design into a cleaner look." Cube" - This short-lived version reduced the volume in a 7-inch cube and boasted 3.5 gigaflops performance.Updates later added gigabit ethernet, digital audio, and Apple's new rewritable DVD " SuperDrive". " Graphite" - The first "graphite" version came in two variants: an early "Yikes!" PCI-only logic board that was based on the pre-existing "blue & white" Power Mac G3, while a more advanced "Sawtooth" logic board introduced AGP graphics.

M8493 power mac g4 specs